Introduction to Data Structures | Learn Applications of Data Structures


Programming Essentials: Introduction to Data Structures

Gain mastery over the crucial concepts of data structures and take your programming skills to the next level by subscribing to this comprehensive course on data structures.

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Course Introduction:

“Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships say many a great coding geeks”. Data structures deal with organizing data in a synchronized manner, such that maximum efficiency can be achieved. One of the most interesting and vital concepts in this domain is undoubtedly the algorithms of data structures.

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Course Overview:

This course covers the following:

  • An introduction about every new concept is followed by an in-depth analysis of its scopes of application.
  • Apart from video lectures which serve to be the heart of the curriculum, the course also includes an assignment problem which can enable self-analysis.
  • These assignments are solved towards the end of the course, which make this course a perfect option for beginners.

Pre-requisites and Target Audience:

There is absolutely no pre-requisite for you to take up this course. But, having some basic knowledge in programming can make the implementation of the concepts very easy for you.


Course Plan

1. Stacks
4 videos
Introduction to Stacks 05:08

Application of Stacks 1 06:10

Application of Stacks 2 09:20

Implementation of Stacks 04:58
2. Queues
3 videos
Introduction to Queues and Link List Implementation 12:11

Array Implementation of Queues 06:56

Circularly Linked List Implementation of Queues 01:42
3. Trees
7 videos
Introduction to Trees 03:56

Introduction to Binary Trees 06:38

Constructing an Expression Tree from a Postorder Expression 02:56

Constructing an Binary Tree from an Expression 05:22

Types of Tree Traversals 07:42

Constructing a Unique Binary Tree 10:29
4. Binary Search Tree
2 videos
Introduction to Binary Search Tree 06:02

Applications of Binary Search Tree 09:56
5. Heaps
2 videos
Implementation of Heaps 06:28
6. Graphs
2 videos
Introduction to Graphs 08:11

Problem Solving using Graphs and Representation of Graphs 06:29
7. Supplementary Video
3 videos
Supplementary video 1 05:19

Supplementary video 2 13:57

Supplementary Video 3 03:41
8. Solution to Assignments
2 videos
Solution to Assignments 1 08:13

Solution to Assignments 2 10:32

Meet the Author

Prof. Hema A Murthy
Professor, IIT Madras
Professor Hema A Murthy has proficiency in research in the domains of Speech Processing, Speech synthesis and recognition, Network transfer analysis and Modelling. She has vast experience in teaching Data Structures and Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, and is an eminent resource person in this field. Her social interests include women empowerment, global warming and school education. Apart from being a socially active figure, she is also a member of IEEE society and Indian Scientists against Nuclear weapons.
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