Learn Basics of Programming | Basic Coding Tutorial for Beginners


Beginner’s Guide to Coding – Get your basics right

Take your first step into the world of Computer Programming. Learn how to code by subscribing to this fun and practical course on the fundamentals of Programming.

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223 learners
Course Introduction:

Roughly one out of every five objects we see around us exists only because of the extensive development in the world of Programming and Technology. Over the years, a lot of Programming languages have cropped up, each designed to make the code more efficient, more flexible and more secure than before. To the world outside, Programming is considered to be a difficult topic to learn and master.

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Course Objectives:

By subscribing to this course, you will learn:

  • Basics of Programming
  • For Loop Statement with example
  • While Loop Statement with example
  • Some simple calculation program
Pre-requisites and Target Audience:

This course is best suited for someone, who wish to:

  • Get a fun introduction to the world of Programming.
  • Learn the essential coding basics.
  • Learn the absolute fundamentals of C Programming in a practical manner.

As the course is designed for beginners, there are no pre-requisites to take up this course.


Course Plan

1. Introduction
2 videos
Introduction 02:55

Basics – Introduction to Variables and Assignment Operator 10:29
2. If Else Programs
3 videos
Introduction 00:56

Even or Odd Program 10:58

Leap Year Program 08:29
3. Simple Calculations
4 videos
Introduction 04:18

Celsius to Fahrenheit Program 00:15

Simple Interest Program 03:21

Compound Interest Program 03:31
4. For Loop Programs
7 videos
Introduction 00:50

Multiplication Table Program 04:40

Sum of First N Numbers 04:58

Sum of First N Odd or Even Numbers 04:10

Print all Upper Case Alphabets 05:51

Divisors of a Number Program 03:15

Prime Number Program 07:44
5. While Loop Programs
3 videos
Introduction 00:38

Count of Digits in a Number Program 07:04

Sum of Digits in a Number Program 07:44





Meet the Author

Online Programming and Skill Training Institute
In28minutes aims to revolutionize Indian learning. Led by Ranga Rao, with a programming experience of 18 years, they have imparted programming skills to more than 10,000 students around the world. This is an effort to spread the idea of ‘Programming is Fun’ and help you develop a liking for it. With hands-on, step by step tutorials, they aim to make learning easy and convenient.
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