Online Dreamweaver CC Tutorial for Beginners | ChalkStreet


Building beautiful websites using Dreamweaver CC for beginners

Learn all the essentials of Adobe Dreamweaver CC to build beautiful websites by going through this comprehensive tutorial.

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Course Introduction:

Dreamweaver is a powerful application from Adobe which is used by both web designers and web developers to create websites and mobile applications. Dreamweaver can be used for creating website prototypes and it assists in creating clean organized code. The program boasts of a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) interface where it enables you to see on the display screen exactly what will the output look like.

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Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Create a Web Page
  • Manage your site
  • Formate your Web Page using Tables and Media
  • Understand more knowledge on CSS and JS

Learning from these Dreamweaver tutorial videos is equivalent to taking your first step in programming for the web. You do not need any prior knowledge to begin this course. You do need Adobe Dreamweaver CC and the enthusiasm for learning something new.


Course Plan

1. Intoduction to Dreamweaver
3 videos
Introduction to Course and What is HTML 02:01

About Dreamweaver 02:59

Getting Started with Dreamweaver 10:21
2. Creating a Web page
3 videos
Site Manager Part-1 06:43

Formatting Web Page 05:49
3. Working with tables and media
2 videos
Tables – Part 2 03:15
4. Adding Media
2 videos
Images, Headers, Footers 14:04

Images between Paragraphs 12:29
5. Form Elements
4 videos
Creation of Form 12:16

Forms – Part 2 04:35

Tips to Create Menu 23:49

Navigation Menu 03:46
6. Introduction to CSS and JS
1 video  · 1 test
Getting Started with CSS and JS 08:04

Test 20:00

Course Assignment-1

Meet the Author

Sathish Balachandran
Veteran Computer Programming tutor
Sathish is from Kochi and his email footer reads, ‘I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source codes’. An experienced web developer with 16 years of programming under his belt, he also has been an instructor and conducts seminars occasionally. In recent times, he has also begun building mobile applications.
