Rs. 599 Rs. 199
Develop Games using Scratch Programming
Help your kid learn how to create animations and to develop games in Scratch Programming by enrolling in this online Scratch Tutorial for kids.
Course Introduction:
Scratch is a basic visual programming language designed for children of ages 7-16 to create interactive games and animations. It offers the best way to introduce programming to kids as the apps are centered on simple graphics and animations instead of concentrating on the actual code. Scratch Programming helps in enhancing various vital skills in children like:
Scratch is a basic visual programming language designed for children of ages 7-16 to create interactive games and animations. It offers the best way to introduce programming to kids as the apps are centered on simple graphics and animations instead of concentrating on the actual code. Scratch Programming helps in enhancing various vital skills in children like:
- Information and Media Literacy Skills: Scratch programming enhances the perception skills of kids as they gain experience by managing multiple forms of media.
- Communication Skills: Scratch enables kids to express themselves through various media they choose, manipulate and integrate.
- Critical Thinking: Learning to program in Scratch enhances critical reasoning.
- Intellectual Curiosity: Designing Scratch game rouses the creativity as people seek innovative solutions to unexpected problems.
- Self-Direction: Overcoming various challenges encountered while programming in Scratch requires persistence, practice, and self-motivation. This elevates the sense of self-direction in kids.
This course on Game Development using Scratch has been designed for beginners with no prior programming experience. Scratch allows the use of event-driven programming with active objects called “sprites”. The course starts off with the introduction to sprites and further teaches the creation of basic animations like an aquarium and a bouncing ball. Creating these animations will help you in understanding various functions and their applications in Scratch Programming. Finally, you will learn how to develop a game using Scratch Programming.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Create animations.
- Develop Scratch games all by yourself.
- Use code blocks for various sprites.
Pre-requisites and Target Audience:
This Scratch Programming Tutorial has been designed for:
- Parents who want to teach programming basics for their kids.
- Anyone who is interested in learning and developing Scratch Games.
This course will teach you all the basics required to develop games using Scratch and does not mandate any programming experience, but we would recommend you to download scratch from the MIT website prior to commencing the course.